Help a Star Foundation Photos

Pictures of Help a Star Foundation charity projects. The Help a Star Foundation provides support to children all over the world in dfficult circumstances to ensure that they can achieve their full potential.

Help a Star Photos are available here.

Various Causes of help a star

Help a Star in Suriname


The founders of Help a Star are both professional swimmers and decided that they want to share their knowledge to give back and help children everywhere.

Help a Star in Suriname

Avoid Drownings

Too many children drown every day. This is unfortunate and unnecessary. Therefore Help a Star wants to reduce drownings by teaching survival techniques.

Help a Star in Suriname


Help a Star believes that by educating children, they will get better life opportunities. In this way they have the chance to have a better future and life.

Who We Are

The Help a Star Foundation was founded by siblings Tariq Getrouw and Xiomara Getrouw. In 2021 Help a Star was officially registered as a foundation in the Netherlands. In 2023 Help a Star was registered as a foundation in North Carolina, U.S.A.

Tariq and Xiomara went to Lesotho in 2016 and 2017, because they learned about the high drowning rates of young children in Lesotho. They decided that as professional swimmers, they wanted to do something about this. Therefor they gave swimming lessons to a big group of children to make them get used to the water and to reduce their chances of drowning.

  • Poverty – $54,000/ $1,00,000 52% 52%
  • Drought – $51,000/ $70,00,000 70% 70%
  • Education – $41,000/ $1,00,000 60% 60%

Enriching the lives of children


Improving the future of children by giving them the chance to educate themselves.

Help Children

Children are vulnerable and need extra attention. By helping them we make the world better.

Protect Children

Protecting children has to be the top priority. Protecting them improves their chances in life.

Avoid Drownings

Drowning of children is a world wide problem. Help a Star teaches survival techniques.




Money Donated


Total Voluneers


Successful Project

Help a Star Lesotho 2023

Tariq and Xiomara Getrouw are the founders of the Help a Star Foundation. In 2016 and 2017 they went to Lesotho to give children swimming lessons. This was parf of the Swim for Life project.

Meanwhile Tariq and Xiomara got involved with more persons and formed the Help a Star Foundation. The Help a Star Foundation is registered in both the United States and the Netherlands.

In October 2023 Help a Star went back to Lesotho to educate children.

Our Volunteers

Donate to support our mission

The Help a Star Foundation wants to educate children and youth. One way to do that is to teach them survival techniques to avoid drownings.

Help a Star has organized trainings in Lesotho and Suriname. We are committed to reduce the number of drownings world wide and want to share our knowledge to learn children how to act in an emergency.

Help a Star in Suriname

Help a Star Non Profit Organization

Help a Star in Suriname

Help a Star U.S.A.

The Help a Star Foundation in the United States was registered as a 501C3 organization in 2023. Help a Star is registered in North Carolina. Help a Star organizes projects all over the world.

Help a Star in Suriname

Help a Star Netherlands

Help a Star was registered as a foundation in the Netherlands in February 2o21. In June 2021 Help a Star was recognized by the Dutch taxes as an ANBI, a Public Benefit Organization.